Book a field today by calling us on phone +36302622091. 8.900 HUF (Mondays price promotion, for every monday morning till 12.00: 7.500 HUF)/person/2 hour non-stop game with free and unlimited bullets. If your team have minimum 14 person, for the team organizer the game is free! Adress of the field: 1147 Budapest, Telepes utca 51.
- The game is cheap and the real cost of the game is easy to calculate.
- Our field is located in Budapest XIV. district, easy to reach by public transport, car or bicycle.
- Exciting field, adrenalinrush is guaranteed: The size and the layout of the paintball field is planned by professionals. On our field there is no hiding just real paintball!
- Indoor, heated, lighted field: On our field You can play 0-24 in winter or at bad weather conditions as well.
- Thermal masks: As professionals we exactly know how important is to use the highest quality paintball mask, which is fog resistent. On our field you can play with these masks.
- Reliable paintball markers: Tippmann markers are known for there reliability. We have chosen the type of FT-12, because it is precise and durable.
- Professional environment, sportsurface: The most important thing for us is safety. Therefore we made safe sportsurface, which guarantee your safety. There is no sharp obstacle, which can cause you injury. This field is also used by trainings of our Sportclub.
- Accurate balls, and you won’t get dirty: The reball technology is used by professionals of tournament paintball. Cheap, clean and accurate.
- Parking allowed only on the street not on the yard!
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